One of my coworkers suggested that we all go down to The Ramp (a restaurant/bar on a dock next to the bay) and drink. This was at about 9:15 this morning. And really it does sound better than what I had planned for the rest of the day, because really as things are going, I might as well go to The Ramp and just get sloshed.
So I got passed up again for a promotion here at The Big One. Not because I don’t have the experience or the talent but probably, mostly, because I'm not the boss's best buddy. Not that I don’t like her, I do, but we just don't mesh. What burns me is that she promoted a gal with far less experience. She looooves this girl and thinks she's brilliant. She's not - she just knows how to parrot back stuff she's heard from her superiors. Whatever. She'll have to manage a group of guys (all guys) who don't like her already. Good luck girlie!
Oh, and she has no management experience.
Happy 2023! And I'm Moving To Substack...
2 years ago
Getting sloshed? That's OK! Steve Prefontaine liked to get sloshed too! (So do I!)
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