Sunny Monday
Yesterday I ran my secret trails loop in town in about 1:15. That's a pretty usual time. But I did double back once to explore an area I've wanted to explore to see if there was a connector trail that I could use. I didn't find one...but it still may be there. I'll have to try it from the other side as there is a little offshoot trail in the canyon and I'm not sure where it goes, but I think it leads out to the street somewhere.
It was pleasantly warm and the air was much better. I could still see some haze from the fires but when I looked straight up at the sky it was blue. So yes, the air quality was much improved. I'm crossing my fingers that all of the fires will be out soon! Although I'm wary about the 4th and illegal (and some legal in places) fireworks. You've just got to know that some dingbats will fire them off and they will start grassfires.
Not sure if I'll run today. I probably won't. I feel a little tired from yesterday's run, plus it's one of my weight training days. For the next two weeks I'll be continuing to follow a three-day, full-body lifting schedule. Then I'll switch to a four-day split. I'm also tweaking my diet to a higher protein, low-fat, moderate carb diet. The drop in carbs is making me more tired I think, although I normally totally crave proteins so this diet is not a pain in the butt for me at all. Where lots of people just loooove bread and can totally chow down on it, I usually ignore it in restaurants. I'm just not a bread/starch lover. I've always been this way. Even as a little kid I used to drive my parents batty by leaving my breakfast toast on the plate and wolfing down my eggs and bacon instead.
I'm also doing the 6 little meals rather than the three bigger ones. That is working out well too as it keeps your blood sugar stable and you're never hungry. I'd love to drop 10 lbs, but I'm not sure really how my body will reorganize itself. Maybe I'll stay the same weight, but be much more lean and muscular...that would fine too!
I'm not sure if it's the fires or not but the whole family is suffering from some kind of nasty allergies. I've been totally congested for the past few days so I'm back on the Zyrtec. Ugh.
Anyway, off to my second "breakfast" and the weight room! I'll do pictures of some kind tomorrow. Probably will hit a trail for some runnin'.
Happy 2023! And I'm Moving To Substack...
2 years ago
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