Random Runs and Other Stuff
My internet is up and down lately, thanks to a possessed router that blips in out in no discernable pattern. It clearly is possessed by a demon computer spirit. And I'm too hardware illiterate to figure it out. If it keeps it up it'll be exorcised by way of the trash bin!
I had a really nice 2:15 run on Monday out at Wunderlich. And then I had a good and steady track workout on Tuesday. Not blistering fast by any account but good and steady 1200m repeats at just under 8 min pace. Next week I hope that some shorter intervals are scheduled, I think I need something fast and short to shock my legs into a higher turnover. I've really turned into a LSD runner and I'm feeling a bit sluggish. This is from a gal who's best quarter ever was 55 seconds. Really, I probably should have been a sprinter. Shoulda, woulda, coulda....who cares? I'm happy where I'm at now but still, I know I have faster leg speed and I wanna get it back.
Today I did a moderate 4.5 miles. I was planning on a 3.5 hour long run tomorrow but I'm going to postpone that because I have an interview with an agency at 1:30pm. This just came up out of the blue. I've spoken with them before, but they didn't get back to me so I thought that that was the end of it. The interview is all the way over in Bezerkley, which is quite a drive, but I'll only have to do it once. The job that they want me for is in Hayward, which is across a bridge for me, but not too bad. It sounds like a fun gig, and all I'd really want right now is a no strings attached contract job which is what this is. They say that it's temp to hire but I don't care about that, I'm thinking of it being just a few weeks gig and then back to freedom again. If it ends up being unbelievably great...well then I'd have to cross that bridge when I get there. I'm still wanting to do the trainer thing, and I really think that's where I'm headed ultimately. I just want to put a few more $$$s in the bank and add something else to my resume. And I always meet new friends at work, so there's that too. It's always good to expand your circle whenver you can. One thing always leads to another!
So tomorrow will probably be 1.5 hours or so. Not sure where I'll do it, maybe I'll go to Edgewood and run, I haven't been there for a while. Or Sawyer Camp. I'll get out in the morning after I drop the kids off and get it done before I head out to Bezerkely.
Happy 2023! And I'm Moving To Substack...
2 years ago
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