Taking it Slow and Steady in the New Year
Boy did I crash and burn last year. I went out hard and just fizzled out. The year before my goal was to finish my first Ultra. Done. Last year I wanted to mellow out on the mileage and increase the speed, do a fast 5k. Did not happen. I totally burned out.
It's okay, I'll learn from experience and just take it easy this year. I want to do another ultra...so slow, long and steady will be the answer. Plus strength training in the form of crossfit workouts. I have this weird thing where my left hip gets really tight. Seems to happen more when I wear more cushioned built up trainers. I don't know what it is but if I run in Vibram FFs or my favorite Nike Jana cross-country flats it's not so bad. Also if I do squats and really, really stretch it seems to help. I'll just keep hittin' it with everything I've got. Even some yoga, which I love but have no time for.
And my running partner is improving. Actually, the K9 is doing great. The giant pooch who once hated running (she would literally just stop mid-stride and stand there until we turned around and went home) loves it now! Good think because she's become a mean bitch (literally) at the dog park. She picks on all the younger female dogs. So it's best for her to get most of her excercise on the road and trails with me. She loooves the canyon. We haven't been able to run the canyon ( I let her off lead there) this week because she's in heat - so I have to keep close tabs on her. We'll get her spayed before her next heat.
One important factor in my slow and steady plan will be keeping careful track of my training. I suck at this. I have a drawer full of half-used training calendars. This time I'm using Mapmyrun.com and I'm doing everything including recording my weight which is very depressing right now. I'm about 10 up from the holidays and 15 up from where I really want to be. Eh.
But it's all process. It's all learning to enjoy the here and now. Sure I want to be light and fast and ready to run my next 50k (late May?). Hopefully I will be light and fast and in-shape by then. But wishing for that and hating where I am will only make it harder to get there. Today on my way home during my run I hit a sweet spot. Not as fast or light as in the past when I was younger and fitter...but it felt good all the same. The winter sun was warm, Zoe the dog trotted merrily at my side, nuzzling my hand every once in a while to show me that she appreciated our little jaunt. And I didn't feel half bad physically. There was a little spring in my step that I haven't had for a while. It's these moments that will keep me moving on.
Happy 2023! And I'm Moving To Substack...
2 years ago
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