Happy B-Day to Me
And just to make me feel like I'm 40, last night at track my hammie decided to tighten on the last 400. I'll take full blame for it tho....I couldn't keep myself controlled and I probably pushed it a wittle too much. I'm 40 but I'm still dumb like 16.
It's not TOO bad. I'm being very good to it today, RICE, some heat, ibuprofen - the whole nine yards. But now I will NOT do track for at least three weeks to a month....just to make sure that it's all better. Plus I'll be doing all the stretching and strengthening rehab for it and I'll go see Angelique again. I'm keeping her in biz fo' shore.
So what's up for tonight? A little family B-day with the 'rents and rugrats, some sushi (my fav) and some nice authentic Teutonic cake. Rock on.
Happy 2023! And I'm Moving To Substack...
2 years ago
I hope you had a fantastic B-day chica!
I did not want to get up this morning....arrrgh.
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