No More Lazy
I've been sleeping in way too much, and enjoying it way too much.
I really fell off the running wagon. I used to get up at 5am to get my runs in. Now I can barely peel myself outta the sack at 7am. I have to put myself back into running bootcamp. It will make me feel much better about myself and about life in general. I'm feeling rather blue. Hopefully my hammie will put up with the running.
And for those of you with kids you'll know what I'm talking about with the stress of two little tykes. I have NO time for myself, and I'm wearing really thin. Work was way easier than being a SAHM. I think that the endorphin rush from morning runs will help me cope a bit more. And all this worry about the economy is starting to gnaw at my mind too. I need to release the pressure valve.
Happy 2023! And I'm Moving To Substack...
2 years ago
I agree. The best way to de-stress is through running. It really gives you a lot of time to think. If getting out of bed early (which now is tougher because of the daylight savings time change) then try running at the end of the day when you get home. This way not only will you be able to de-stress, but you can also decompress and think about the happenings of the day prior. Running seems to put daily events in a better perspective.
We all know the first step is the toughest but in the end you are always glad that you made yourself get out there and run!
Some days are better than others, eh? Running always makes me feel better before tackling the day with the kiddies.
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