Tuesday Track
There was no scheduled track workout due to a lacrosse game on the grassy area, so a bunch of us went for a run around the 'hood.
I know it's Cali here, but dang is the wind cold and damp. Hate that. Makes me want to move to the tropics. I was afraid that I'd never warm up, but I managed to get the body temp up to comfortable as long as I kept moving. Chatting with the others was great - I don't get to talk with other people much when I'm running anymore since I run alone except for Tuesdays. Sadly, one of our bunch just got laid off and I fear that she'll be unemployed for a while in this climate. Luckily her husband is still working and I think that they have enough money saved up to last them for a while. She just got her road bikes tuned up so I don't even have to wonder at what she'll be up to in the next few weeks. I just hope that she (and others in her predicament) take the opportunity to actually enjoy the time off. That's been my downfall in the past when I was unemployed. The new job does eventually show up, and then if you have been fretting over not working that whole time that you were off you're not even rested up for your new adventure. Such is the dilemma.
I still haven't been able to get up early for my runs. The Hubby messed with the alarm last night and we woke up late this morning. So now I have to run this evening. Tomorrow that damn alarm is going to go off ON TIME and I WILL be out that door 6ish.
I've been having a nagging irritation of tightness in my left lower back, hip and side and back of my left leg. Anyone else have this problem? Yoga seems to help for a while but in a few hours it comes back. I think it may be due to my SI joint, but I can't keep going back to the chiropractor over and over again (too expensive). Does anyone have any miracle cures? Ideas to the cause? Let me know.
Happy 2023! And I'm Moving To Substack...
2 years ago
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