Refreshing Evening
I got out for a pleasant evening run last night. I even worked on my technique, reverting back to some POSE method stuff that I had thrown out the window a while back. I'm rethinking my decision on that since maybe my hamstring problem stems from over striding. I have a habit of running with huge loping strides. It really does feel more natural to me....but maybe it's not so good for me afterall.
I concentrated on all of the usual pose stuff - forefoot landing (got that down) fast turnover, (harder for me), free falling (feels so neat when you get it) and lifting your foot right underneath you. I think I ended up running faster than usual, but I can't be sure because I did a new loop and I didn't time my run. It doesn't matter anyway. I can check it out on the track next Tuesday or on another run.
And yes, I'm still doing yoga and stretching religiously. I won't stop doing that now, ever.
It was chilly again out there last night. I ran in long sleeves and capris, kind of feeling like a wimp since fer godsakes this is California. But it wasn't my imagination, that wind was cutting and it continued to blow right through my old Hind running top (maybe the age of that weather beaten thing had something to do with it! Hind doesn't even exist anymore.) I started out in the light and arrived back home in the dark. A nice way to end the day.
Happy 2023! And I'm Moving To Substack...
2 years ago
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